Tuesday, May 29, 2007

Bitty Browser-from tabbed browsing to simultaneous browsing

Bitty browser is a browser inside a web page; it allows you to browse web content on sites like Google and Netvibes.

What is its use?

Using Bitty browser you can browse different sites without having to leave the parent site. For example you could read news while watching a movie clip on youtube (as it takes time to load).

Or add Bitty to you site/blog via a simple HTML copy/paste. Retain readers as they can watch other sites from you blog. However, the speed at which it is loaded has to be monitored.

Why should I provide a version of my site that is compatible with Bitty browser?

You can maintain a closer contact with users of your service or blog. A blog reader does not allow for adding comments, view other additions to your blog etc.

A larger audience can be reached by providing content with easier access. A more detailed analysis of why you need to provide a version for mobile browsers is put up at Digital Inspiration.

Is it fast?

The response time is as good as the conventional browsers. As many as six web sites can be simultaneously browsed in a single tab using google homepage. But the advertisements put up in between seems to slow down the browser. Sites that are bitty compatible can be browsed at sensible speeds.

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